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The Final Lesson For Humanity
 - 3 part project - 



- 2018/ 19 - SCP's Director, Mr Bradley Rae, was invited to join a small audience for 2 days of private seminars & open discussions - on both spiritual and secular matters -  with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, in Dharamsala, India. 


-  Mr Rae met privately with the President of Tibet (CTA) - The Honorable Dr Lobsang Sangay, as well as High Lamas and other Tibetan Officials to discuss a PR proposal being developed by SCP dedicated to the Dalai Lama's teachings on Human Ethics, Unity and Climate Change.


This proposal has since gained the support of both the Tibetan President and the Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama  (OHHDL), because of its  altruistic nature; altruism being the divine expression of the Tibetan scriptures, teachings and beliefs, which are tightly interwoven as to be inseparable with the study of philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and science. 


Civilization can no longer continue down this path, without our very existence being threatened. Whether its climate change, nuclear war or a pandemic, our survival depends on our ability to unite. (Dalai Lama)


This is both fact and common sense.


NOTE: SCP draws from a wide pool of creative thinkers - including Academics, Members of the Tibetan Community, Hollywood Producers, Documentary Producers and other global experts - all who rallied in response to a request by a Tibetan High Lama; to consider ways to ensure the longevity of the Dalai Lama's teachings for generations to come. Obviously a worthy cause, and hardly an easy task, we volunteered a year to considering the matter, which included researching the works of the Dalai Lama (and Gandhi); as well as researching the bloody evolution of  Communism and its tragic impact on the populations of China (under Mao Tse Tung and Xi Jinping) + Mongolia, Tibet, and Hong Kong.


After three return trips to Dharamsala and the Tibetan Community for guidance and inspiration, SCP ultimately has come up with the following proposal,  which focuses not on the Dalai Lama per se, but rather on his teachings on Human ethics, being what we see as the key to global peace; for reasons to be noted herein. The proposal is broken into three parts that are interconnected and interdependent on each other in order for it to succeed. 

(i) Feature Film - In order to unify Humanity, the segregation that results from cultures and world religions must be overcome. Hence there needs to be one common ground upon which we all must stand, and one common cause behind which we are all willing to fight, peacefully. The common ground as His Holiness has devotedly taught, is Human ethics - being the innate traits we have inherited throughout evolution to survive as a species; such as love, compassion, unity, sharing, equality, honesty and justice. Not surprisingly, and most obviously, Human ethics are the core values of all major world religions. 


Subsequently, the first phase of this proposal sidesteps the notion of religious segregation, or the promoting of one religion or religious figure above all others, by way of educating the world on Human ethics without any perceived bias, whilst at the same time entertaining the masses and sparking an interest in the topic. This gives rise to the question of how, and through what means, does one gain access to the larger part of the global masses? Hollywood. Hence with the support of Kingsborough Pictures, SCP is writing a compelling blockbuster script that highlights the world as we know it, and the world as it should be. Creative development  continues.
(ii) Second phase of this project - addresses the problem of  cultural segregation that divides us, through a 'multi-national' documentary that will explore and promote human ethics and unity with the help of religious leaders, celebrities, academics, scientists, renown creative thinkers and philosophers, and other experts from around the world - all speaking in their native tongues, signifying a world united in a common cause. 

(iii) Phase three is two fold, which entails (a) the organizing of a event streamed to a global audience - think LIVE AID in the 21st century; noting for the very first time in Human history unity is now possible at the click of a button, through technology and social media. LIVE AID - a concert held in 1985 to raise funds for famine in Africa - had an audience of 2 billion people (the world population was 5 billion, give or take, at the time) and this was before the internet was created. Today, the number of people capable of accessing such an global event of this sort, would certainly be double.  That's 4 billion people, fixed on the same common cause; that being, the saving of our planet.


What we at SCP find interesting, and a sure sign that we're on the right track, is the fact that during the Covid pandemic, celebrities began uniting (in virtual concerts) to help raise awareness and funds for a world in strife. The problem however, as is typical with such humanitarian objectives, is the people involved and the funds they raise ultimately fade away, and the world continues on with little change, having only put a band-aid over a gaping wound that never heals.


(b) What is needed is a clear and definitive strategy that not only unifies the global masses for a single day, but also ensures this solidarity born of such an event continues on...  At this stage we are omitting one final, vital component that ensures this longevity, but we will say this for want of opening the door to further interest...


The only way for global unity to resonate for generations to come, is through the democratization of the planet; being when we all have a voice; being what unity is. One voice. The loudest voice, with a force behind it that is incapable of ever being challenged; which actually sounds like a sage's dream. Because it is. 

As per the teachings of His Holiness - being the embodiment of all world sages who have come before him (ie Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Gandhi Martin Luther King etc etc) -  the greatest power on the planet is not governments, nor corporations nor any institution, but rather the global masses united; an endeavor His Holiness has dedicated the last 30 years of his life to achieving; through what he calls 'a spiritual revolution' - which simply reflects a unified shift in our thinking on how the world should be, and what we need to do to ensure it, and Humanity, thrive as one: something that is seriously lacking presently as segregation continues and the global tragedy of the pandemic unfolds, with other apocalyptic  tragedies lining up to follow soon thereafter, like Climate Change and Nuclear War.  


The Final Lesson for Humanity puts forth a comprehensive plan that addresses the democratization of the planet, and quickly, now, when it is mostly needed; as Humanity looks down the barrel of a triad an imminent catastrophes of epic proportions.  SCP will be sharing this plan over the coming months with media outlets and key people that we believe can assist in getting this project moving, starting with celebrities. Not politicians.... but celebrities, who are the conduit to the global masses.


We are a think tank. Our objective is to spread great ideas even further. Unity is a great idea. The Dalai Lama said so, as has all world sages who came before him. This proposal, when explained in full, is how we achieve it...


Inquiries - please email us.


The most powerful force on Earth is the global 

population united. If change is to come,

it will only be by the will of the people.





As countries at long last stand united against China, hopefully peace will prevail without a single shot fired. This idea of unity applies to the South China Sea, as sure as it does to the entire world. 


- July 2020 -

Photos of anti-Kremlin marches in Russia. The world is changing peacefully, as people become less tolerant of oppressive regimes; the masses making a stand together, with too many in  number for a government to ever dare challenge them, try what they may.

mass rallies in Russian opposing gov.jpg
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