This page includes what we do and where we've been, plus a brief statement from Director Bradley Rae. SMASHED COMPASS PRODUCTIONS (SCP) Â is a THINK TANK Â for creativity and business development devoted to helping indigenous communities in need around the world. We document humanitarian crises and promote social initiatives implemented by Governments and NGOs, as well as provide consultancy services in Public Relations, Marketing, Communications and Entrepreneurship Operating throughout Asia, South Pacific and Africa, we have extensive experience working at the community grassroots level, in the corporate boardroom and at the highest levels of government. To further our reach SCP has also started writing books, feature movies and animation scripts on a wide variety of topics for both educational and entertainment purposes. Additional services include video productions and script development, photography, website content and management (including teams), graphic design and storytelling that intertwines culture and tradition with present day development. For statement by SCP Director, Bradley Rae, scroll down. UPDATE - As the world evolves under COVID restrictions so too are we adapting, with new consultancy and editorial services being offered online.

FROM DIRECTOR BRADLEY RAE - SCP is a small group of people who collaborate in the formulation of very big original ideas, including Heads of State, Academics, Hollywood Producers, Tibetan Monks, PR experts and everyone in between. With the global situation as it is, and where it seems to be tragically heading, perhaps original ideas are exactly what is needed. This is why SCP is now writing and developing projects specifically aimed at raising awareness and inspiring a collective effort globally to help steer us in the right direction. Projects include two animation series dedicated to educating children about climate change as well as the solutions that will help safeguard the world they are set to inherit. Another is a highly creative and ambitious PR strategy devoted to global unity, being the key to moving forward through what is one of the darkest periods in Human history.  The PR strategy was inspired by, presented to, and gained the support of the President of Tibet (CTA), the Honourable Dr Lobsang Sangay, and the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. See PROJECTS If there is but one bit of advice I feel very well qualified to share after years of travelling the world, it is this. If you're struggling to get to where you want to be in life, smash the conventional compass that guides you, believe in yourself always, and find your own way to that which is your ultimate destination. Indeed, 'become the change you wish to see in the world.' ( MAHATMA GANDHI )
